Is a Bathroom in a van worth it? | BATHROOM VS NO BATHROOM PROS & CONS

Thinking about van life? If you are, you’ve probably started wondering about your overall floor plan and if you should incorporate a bathroom into your van.

Let’s face it - if you are going to do extended travel or full time travel in your van, you’re likely going to want the convenience of a private bathroom inside your van.

Van life can be stressful and if you are constantly wondering when and where you’ll find toilet and a shower while you’re on the road, you might find yourself even more stressed out or overwhelmed.

Honestly, having a bathroom in our van when we were full time traveling was my absolute favorite thing about our van. As a female, I did not want to constantly worry about finding a place to go to the bathroom (sorry guys - you have it a bit easier when it comes to the bathroom department).

Alex and I both also loved being able to take a quick shower each night before we crawled into our comfy bed.

On the other hand, if you aren’t going to be traveling for extended periods or you are okay with “roughing it” sometimes, maybe a bathroom in your van isn’t a priority.

Or, maybe you have a shorter wheelbase van and space is limited so a bathroom isn’t really feasible…

Let’s talk about the pros and cons of having a bathroom in your van vs not having a bathroom.



  • no need to stress about finding a toilet/shower

  • privacy and comfort

  • can be used as a “passing lane” or for more storage

  • so convenient!


  • takes up an ample amount of space

  • more water use

  • need to empty tanks more often or deal with #2 if you choose to do that in your van

  • more complex to build



  • more open space in your overall floor plan

  • no need to deal with the waste

  • more water for sink and drinking water

  • easier build process


  • more stress dealing with finding bathrooms to use on the road

  • no convenience in the middle of the night or in emergencies

All in all, it’s up to you to decide what works best for you, your lifestyle and your comfort levels.

Out of the now 20+ vans we have built, we have only built 2 vans without a bathroom. Needless to say, I think the convenience factor is something people love!

In conclusion, the decision to include or forgo a bathroom in your van conversion ultimately boils down to personal preferences, lifestyle considerations, and comfort levels. Both options have their own set of pros and cons that should be carefully weighed before making a choice.

Having a bathroom offers undeniable convenience and peace of mind, eliminating the need to stress about finding public restrooms or shower facilities while on the road. It provides a private and comfortable space within your van, allowing you to enjoy the convenience of a passing lane or additional storage. However, it does come at the cost of significant space allocation, increased water usage, and the need to regularly empty tanks or handle waste disposal.

On the other hand, opting not to have a bathroom provides more open space for your overall floor plan and simplifies the build process. It eliminates the need to deal with waste management and allows for more water availability for other purposes such as a sink or drinking water. However, it does come with the potential stress of having to find suitable bathroom facilities during your travels, particularly during emergencies or late-night scenarios.

With over 20 van builds under our belt, we have observed that the majority of our clients opt for including a bathroom in their conversions, appreciating the convenience it brings. Nonetheless, the final decision rests in your hands, considering your individual needs, comfort, and lifestyle preferences.

Remember, a successful van conversion is one that aligns with your unique requirements and enhances your overall experience on the road. So take your time, weigh the pros and cons, and make an informed choice that suits your personal journey. Happy van building!